The team photo before starting work on the first day. Team members (and the interpreter for the first day) have yellow hard hats, the red hard hats are Fuller…
Ann, Mary Jo, Carina and Barb moving rebar from the upper level of the Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
Lisa shovelling gravel helped by Cami, a Fuller home owner. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
Chris digging the dirt so it can be loaded into the wheelbarrows. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
Dawnelle and her pick. It was needed to loosen up the hard clay. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
Some of the Team marching up the hill at the end of the day singing a dwarf song Heigh-Ho from Snow White. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania

I’m not sure who took this video but it is Lisa and Jim operating the tamper. Noisy, smoky and hard on the arms. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
Dawnelle and Ann working on the rebar next to the workshop assisted by Lumi who is a Board Member with The Fuller Center for Housing of Cluj Romania.